Commit 6940aecd by Ivan Pushkin

Update Fix url rule order

in previous example this Url::to(['post/index', 'year' => 2014, 'category' => 'php']) will not create `/index.php/posts/2014/php` because it will be handled by first find rule 'posts' => 'post/index' and url will be '/index.php/posts?year=2014&category=php'
parent d0d884c3
No related merge requests found
......@@ -340,9 +340,9 @@ Let's use some examples to illustrate how named parameters work. Assume we have
'posts/<year:\d{4}>/<category>' => 'post/index',
'posts' => 'post/index',
'post/<id:\d+>' => 'post/view',
'posts/<year:\d{4}>/<category>' => 'post/index',
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