Merge pull request #34 from bobchengbin/patch-1

Fix the typo "Sphinx"
parents 1e3e4592 bd47b3db
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $db->createCommand('INSERT INTO customer (name) VALUES (:name)', [
* Microsoft SQL Server 2010 及以上:通过 [[yii\db\ActiveRecord]]
* Oracle: 通过 [[yii\db\ActiveRecord]]
* CUBRID 9.1 及以上:通过 [[yii\db\ActiveRecord]]
* Sphnix:通过 [[yii\sphinx\ActiveRecord]],需求 `yii2-sphinx` 扩展
* Sphinx:通过 [[yii\sphinx\ActiveRecord]],需求 `yii2-sphinx` 扩展
* ElasticSearch:通过 [[yii\elasticsearch\ActiveRecord]],需求 `yii2-elasticsearch` 扩展
* Redis 2.6.12 及以上:通过 [[yii\redis\ActiveRecord]],需求 `yii2-redis` 扩展
* MongoDB 1.3.0 及以上:通过 [[yii\mongodb\ActiveRecord]],需求 `yii2-mongodb` 扩展
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