
namespace yiiunit\extensions\authclient;

use yii\authclient\OpenId;

class OpenIdTest extends TestCase
    protected function setUp()
        $config = [
            'components' => [
                'request' => [
                    'hostInfo' => 'http://testdomain.com',
                    'scriptUrl' => '/index.php',
        $this->mockApplication($config, '\yii\web\Application');

     * Invokes the object method even if it is protected.
     * @param object $object object instance
     * @param string $methodName name of the method to be invoked.
     * @param array $args method arguments.
     * @return mixed method invoke result.
    protected function invokeMethod($object, $methodName, array $args = [])
        $classReflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($object));
        $methodReflection = $classReflection->getMethod($methodName);
        $result = $methodReflection->invokeArgs($object, $args);
        return $result;

    // Tests :

    public function testSetGet()
        $client = new OpenId();

        $trustRoot = 'http://trust.root';
        $this->assertEquals($trustRoot, $client->getTrustRoot(), 'Unable to setup trust root!');

        $returnUrl = 'http://return.url';
        $this->assertEquals($returnUrl, $client->getReturnUrl(), 'Unable to setup return URL!');

     * @depends testSetGet
    public function testGetDefaults()
        $client = new OpenId();

        $this->assertNotEmpty($client->getTrustRoot(), 'Unable to get default trust root!');
        $this->assertNotEmpty($client->getReturnUrl(), 'Unable to get default return URL!');

    public function testDiscover()
        $url = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id';
        $client = new OpenId();
        $info = $client->discover($url);
        $this->assertEquals(2, $info['version']);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('identifier_select', $info);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('ax', $info);
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('sreg', $info);

     * Data provider for [[testCompareUrl()]]
     * @return array test data
    public function dataProviderCompareUrl()
        return [

     * @see https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/3633
     * @dataProvider dataProviderCompareUrl
     * @param string $url1
     * @param string $url2
     * @param boolean $expectedResult
    public function testCompareUrl($url1, $url2, $expectedResult)
        $client = new OpenId();
        $comparisonResult = $this->invokeMethod($client, 'compareUrl', [$url1, $url2]);
        $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $comparisonResult);