<?php /** * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ namespace yii\grid; use Yii; use Closure; use yii\base\Formatter; use yii\base\InvalidConfigException; use yii\base\Widget; use yii\db\ActiveRecord; use yii\helpers\Html; use yii\widgets\BaseListView; /** * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @since 2.0 */ class GridView extends BaseListView { const FILTER_POS_HEADER = 'header'; const FILTER_POS_FOOTER = 'footer'; const FILTER_POS_BODY = 'body'; /** * @var string the default data column class if the class name is not explicitly specified when configuring a data column. * Defaults to 'yii\grid\DataColumn'. */ public $dataColumnClass; /** * @var string the caption of the grid table * @see captionOptions */ public $caption; /** * @var array the HTML attributes for the caption element * @see caption */ public $captionOptions = array(); /** * @var array the HTML attributes for the grid table element */ public $tableOptions = array('class' => 'table table-striped table-bordered'); /** * @var array the HTML attributes for the table header row */ public $headerRowOptions = array(); /** * @var array the HTML attributes for the table footer row */ public $footerRowOptions = array(); /** * @var array|Closure the HTML attributes for the table body rows. This can be either an array * specifying the common HTML attributes for all body rows, or an anonymous function that * returns an array of the HTML attributes. The anonymous function will be called once for every * data model returned by [[dataProvider]]. It should have the following signature: * * ~~~php * function ($model, $key, $index, $grid) * ~~~ * * - `$model`: the current data model being rendered * - `$key`: the key value associated with the current data model * - `$index`: the zero-based index of the data model in the model array returned by [[dataProvider]] * - `$grid`: the GridView object */ public $rowOptions = array(); /** * @var Closure an anonymous function that is called once BEFORE rendering each data model. * It should have the similar signature as [[rowOptions]]. The return result of the function * will be rendered directly. */ public $beforeRow; /** * @var Closure an anonymous function that is called once AFTER rendering each data model. * It should have the similar signature as [[rowOptions]]. The return result of the function * will be rendered directly. */ public $afterRow; /** * @var boolean whether to show the header section of the grid table. */ public $showHeader = true; /** * @var boolean whether to show the footer section of the grid table. */ public $showFooter = false; /** * @var array|Formatter the formatter used to format model attribute values into displayable texts. * This can be either an instance of [[Formatter]] or an configuration array for creating the [[Formatter]] * instance. If this property is not set, the "formatter" application component will be used. */ public $formatter; /** * @var array grid column configuration. Each array element represents the configuration * for one particular grid column. For example, * * ~~~php * array( * array( * 'class' => SerialColumn::className(), * ), * array( * 'class' => DataColumn::className(), * 'attribute' => 'name', * 'format' => 'text', * 'label' => 'Name', * ), * array( * 'class' => CheckboxColumn::className(), * ), * ) * ~~~ * * If a column is of class [[DataColumn]], the "class" element can be omitted. * * As a shortcut format, a string may be used to specify the configuration of a data column * which only contains "attribute", "format", and/or "label" options: `"attribute:format:label"`. * For example, the above "name" column can also be specified as: `"name:text:Name"`. * Both "format" and "label" are optional. They will take default values if absent. */ public $columns = array(); public $emptyCell = ' '; /** * @var \yii\base\Model the model that keeps the user-entered filter data. When this property is set, * the grid view will enable column-based filtering. Each data column by default will display a text field * at the top that users can fill in to filter the data. * * Note that in order to show an input field for filtering, a column must have its [[DataColumn::attribute]] * property set or have [[DataColumn::filter]] set as the HTML code for the input field. * * When this property is not set (null) the filtering feature is disabled. */ public $filterModel; /** * @var string whether the filters should be displayed in the grid view. Valid values include: * * - [[FILTER_POS_HEADER]]: the filters will be displayed on top of each column's header cell. * - [[FILTER_POS_BODY]]: the filters will be displayed right below each column's header cell. * - [[FILTER_POS_FOOTER]]: the filters will be displayed below each column's footer cell. */ public $filterPosition = self::FILTER_POS_BODY; /** * @var array the HTML attributes for the filter row element */ public $filterRowOptions = array('class' => 'filters'); /** * Initializes the grid view. * This method will initialize required property values and instantiate {@link columns} objects. */ public function init() { parent::init(); if ($this->formatter == null) { $this->formatter = Yii::$app->getFormatter(); } elseif (is_array($this->formatter)) { $this->formatter = Yii::createObject($this->formatter); } if (!$this->formatter instanceof Formatter) { throw new InvalidConfigException('The "formatter" property must be either a Format object or a configuration array.'); } if (!isset($this->options['id'])) { $this->options['id'] = $this->getId(); } $this->initColumns(); } /** * Runs the widget. */ public function run() { $id = $this->options['id']; $view = $this->getView(); GridViewAsset::register($view); $view->registerJs("jQuery('#$id').yiiGridView();"); parent::run(); } /** * Renders the data models for the grid view. */ public function renderItems() { $content = array_filter(array( $this->renderCaption(), $this->renderColumnGroup(), $this->showHeader ? $this->renderTableHeader() : false, $this->showFooter ? $this->renderTableFooter() : false, $this->renderTableBody(), )); return Html::tag('table', implode("\n", $content), $this->tableOptions); } public function renderCaption() { if (!empty($this->caption)) { return Html::tag('caption', $this->caption, $this->captionOptions); } else { return false; } } public function renderColumnGroup() { $requireColumnGroup = false; foreach ($this->columns as $column) { /** @var Column $column */ if (!empty($column->options)) { $requireColumnGroup = true; break; } } if ($requireColumnGroup) { $cols = array(); foreach ($this->columns as $column) { $cols[] = Html::tag('col', '', $column->options); } return Html::tag('colgroup', implode("\n", $cols)); } else { return false; } } /** * Renders the table header. * @return string the rendering result */ public function renderTableHeader() { $cells = array(); foreach ($this->columns as $column) { /** @var Column $column */ $cells[] = $column->renderHeaderCell(); } $content = implode('', $cells); if ($this->filterPosition == self::FILTER_POS_HEADER) { $content = $this->renderFilters() . $content; } elseif ($this->filterPosition == self::FILTER_POS_BODY) { $content .= $this->renderFilters(); } return "<thead>\n" . Html::tag('tr', $content, $this->headerRowOptions) . "\n</thead>"; } /** * Renders the table footer. * @return string the rendering result */ public function renderTableFooter() { $cells = array(); foreach ($this->columns as $column) { /** @var Column $column */ $cells[] = $column->renderFooterCell(); } $content = implode('', $cells); if ($this->filterPosition == self::FILTER_POS_FOOTER) { $content .= $this->renderFilters(); } return "<tfoot>\n" . Html::tag('tr', $content, $this->footerRowOptions) . "\n</tfoot>"; } /** * Renders the filter. */ public function renderFilters() { if ($this->filterModel !== null) { $cells = array(); foreach ($this->columns as $column) { /** @var Column $column */ $cells[] = $column->renderFilterCell(); } return Html::tag('tr', implode('', $cells), $this->filterRowOptions); } else { return ''; } } /** * Renders the table body. * @return string the rendering result */ public function renderTableBody() { $models = array_values($this->dataProvider->getModels()); $keys = $this->dataProvider->getKeys(); $rows = array(); foreach ($models as $index => $model) { $key = $keys[$index]; if ($this->beforeRow !== null) { $row = call_user_func($this->beforeRow, $model, $key, $index, $this); if (!empty($row)) { $rows[] = $row; } } $rows[] = $this->renderTableRow($model, $key, $index); if ($this->afterRow !== null) { $row = call_user_func($this->afterRow, $model, $key, $index, $this); if (!empty($row)) { $rows[] = $row; } } } return "<tbody>\n" . implode("\n", $rows) . "\n</tbody>"; } /** * Renders a table row with the given data model and key. * @param mixed $model the data model to be rendered * @param mixed $key the key associated with the data model * @param integer $index the zero-based index of the data model among the model array returned by [[dataProvider]]. * @return string the rendering result */ public function renderTableRow($model, $key, $index) { $cells = array(); /** @var Column $column */ foreach ($this->columns as $column) { $cells[] = $column->renderDataCell($model, $index); } if ($this->rowOptions instanceof Closure) { $options = call_user_func($this->rowOptions, $model, $key, $index, $this); } else { $options = $this->rowOptions; } $options['data-key'] = $key; return Html::tag('tr', implode('', $cells), $options); } /** * Creates column objects and initializes them. */ protected function initColumns() { if (empty($this->columns)) { $this->guessColumns(); } foreach ($this->columns as $i => $column) { if (is_string($column)) { $column = $this->createDataColumn($column); } else { $column = Yii::createObject(array_merge(array( 'class' => $this->dataColumnClass ?: DataColumn::className(), 'grid' => $this, ), $column)); } if (!$column->visible) { unset($this->columns[$i]); continue; } $this->columns[$i] = $column; } } /** * Creates a [[DataColumn]] object based on a string in the format of "attribute:format:label". * @param string $text the column specification string * @return DataColumn the column instance * @throws InvalidConfigException if the column specification is invalid */ protected function createDataColumn($text) { if (!preg_match('/^([\w\.]+)(:(\w*))?(:(.*))?$/', $text, $matches)) { throw new InvalidConfigException('The column must be specified in the format of "attribute", "attribute:format" or "attribute:format:label'); } return Yii::createObject(array( 'class' => $this->dataColumnClass ?: DataColumn::className(), 'grid' => $this, 'attribute' => $matches[1], 'format' => isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : 'text', 'label' => isset($matches[5]) ? $matches[5] : null, )); } protected function guessColumns() { $models = $this->dataProvider->getModels(); $model = reset($models); if (is_array($model) || is_object($model)) { foreach ($model as $name => $value) { $this->columns[] = $name; } } else { throw new InvalidConfigException('Unable to generate columns from data.'); } } }