Getting started with Yii2 development

1. Clone your fork of yii2 `git clone<yourname>/yii2`.
2. Change into the repo folder `cd yii2`.
3. run `./build/build app/link basic` to install composer dependecies for the basic app.
   This command will install foreign composer packages as normal but will link the yii2 repo to
   the currently checked out repo, so you have one instance of all the code installed.
4. Do the same for the advanced app if needed: `./build/build app/link advanced`
   This command will also be used to update dependecies, it runs `composer update` internally.
5. Now you have a working playground for hacking on Yii 2.

You may also add the yii2 upstream repo to pull the latest changes:

git remote add upstream

Please refer to [Git workflow for Yii 2 contributors]( for details about creating pull requests.

Unit tests

To run the unit tests you have to install composer packages for the dev-repo.
Run `composer update` in the repo root directory to get the latest packages.

You can now execute unit tests by running `phpunit`.

You may limit the tests to a group of tests you are working on e.g. to run only tests for the validators and redis
`phpunit --group=validators,redis`.


To work on extensions you have to install them in the application you want to try them in.
Just add them to the `composer.json` as you would normally do e.g. add `"yiisoft/yii2-redis": "*"` to the
`require` section of the basic app.
Running `./build/build app/link basic` will install the extension and its dependecies and create
a symlink to `extensions/redis` so you are not working the composer vendor dir but the yii2 repo directly.

Functional and acceptance tests for applications

See `apps/advanced/tests/` and `apps/basic/tests/` to learn about how to run Codeception tests.