This folder contains various tests for the basic application.
These tests are developed with [Codeception PHP Testing Framework](

After creating the basic application, follow these steps to prepare for the tests:

1. In the file `_bootstrap.php`, modify the definition of the constant `TEST_ENTRY_URL` so
   that it points to the correct entry script URL.
2. Install additional composer packages:

   php composer.phar require --dev "codeception/codeception: 1.8.*@dev" "codeception/specify: *" "codeception/verify: *"

3. Go to the application base directory and build the test suites:

   vendor/bin/codecept build

Now you can run the tests with the following commands:

# run all available tests
vendor/bin/codecept run
# run acceptance tests
vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance
# run functional tests
vendor/bin/codecept run functional
# run unit tests
vendor/bin/codecept run unit

Please refer to [Codeception tutorial]( for
more details about writing and running acceptance, functional and unit tests.