
use tests\_pages\ContactPage;

$I = new WebGuy($scenario);
$I->wantTo('ensure that contact works');
$contactPage = ContactPage::of($I);

$I->see('Contact', 'h1');

$I->amGoingTo('submit contact form with no data');
$I->expectTo('see validations errors');
$I->see('Contact', 'h1');
$I->see('Name cannot be blank');
$I->see('Email cannot be blank');
$I->see('Subject cannot be blank');
$I->see('Body cannot be blank');
$I->see('The verification code is incorrect');

$I->amGoingTo('submit contact form with not correct email');
	'name'			=>	'tester',
	'email'			=>	'tester.email',
	'subject'		=>	'test subject',
	'body'			=>	'test content',
	'verifyCode'	=>	'testme',
$I->expectTo('see that email adress is wrong');
$I->dontSee('Name cannot be blank', '.help-inline');
$I->see('Email is not a valid email address.');
$I->dontSee('Subject cannot be blank', '.help-inline');
$I->dontSee('Body cannot be blank', '.help-inline');
$I->dontSee('The verification code is incorrect', '.help-inline');

$I->amGoingTo('submit contact form with correct data');
	'name'			=>	'tester',
	'email'			=>	'tester@example.com',
	'subject'		=>	'test subject',
	'body'			=>	'test content',
	'verifyCode'	=>	'testme',
if (method_exists($I, 'wait')) {
	$I->wait(3); // only for selenium
$I->see('Thank you for contacting us. We will respond to you as soon as possible.');