jui-widgets.md 998 Bytes
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Jquery UI Widgets

> Note: This section is under development.

Out of the box, Yii includes support for the [jQuery UI](http://api.jqueryui.com/) library. jQuery UI is a curated set
of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.

Yii widgets

Most complex jQuery UI components are wrapped into Yii widgets to allow more robust syntax and integrate with
framework features. All widgets belong to `\yii\jui` namespace:

- [[yii\jui\Accordion|Accordion]]
- [[yii\jui\AutoComplete|AutoComplete]]
- [[yii\jui\DatePicker|DatePicker]]
- [[yii\jui\Dialog|Dialog]]
- [[yii\jui\Draggable|Draggable]]
- [[yii\jui\Droppable|Droppable]]
- [[yii\jui\Menu|Menu]]
- [[yii\jui\ProgressBar|ProgressBar]]
- [[yii\jui\Resizable|Resizable]]
- [[yii\jui\Selectable|Selectable]]
- [[yii\jui\Slider|Slider]]
- [[yii\jui\SliderInput|SliderInput]]
- [[yii\jui\Sortable|Sortable]]
- [[yii\jui\Spinner|Spinner]]
- [[yii\jui\Tabs|Tabs]]