ActiveQuery.php 18.6 KB
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 * @author Qiang Xue <>
 * @link
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 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
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 * @license

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namespace yii\db;
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 * ActiveQuery represents a DB query associated with an Active Record class.
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 * An ActiveQuery can be a normal query or be used in a relational context.
 * ActiveQuery instances are usually created by [[ActiveRecord::find()]] and [[ActiveRecord::findBySql()]].
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 * Relational queries are created by [[ActiveRecord::hasOne()]] and [[ActiveRecord::hasMany()]].
 * Normal Query
 * ------------
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 * ActiveQuery mainly provides the following methods to retrieve the query results:
 * - [[one()]]: returns a single record populated with the first row of data.
 * - [[all()]]: returns all records based on the query results.
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 * - [[count()]]: returns the number of records.
 * - [[sum()]]: returns the sum over the specified column.
 * - [[average()]]: returns the average over the specified column.
 * - [[min()]]: returns the min over the specified column.
 * - [[max()]]: returns the max over the specified column.
 * - [[scalar()]]: returns the value of the first column in the first row of the query result.
 * - [[column()]]: returns the value of the first column in the query result.
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 * - [[exists()]]: returns a value indicating whether the query result has data or not.
 * Because ActiveQuery extends from [[Query]], one can use query methods, such as [[where()]],
 * [[orderBy()]] to customize the query options.
 * ActiveQuery also provides the following additional query options:
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 * - [[with()]]: list of relations that this query should be performed with.
 * - [[indexBy()]]: the name of the column by which the query result should be indexed.
 * - [[asArray()]]: whether to return each record as an array.
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 * These options can be configured using methods of the same name. For example:
 * ```php
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 * $customers = Customer::find()->with('orders')->asArray()->all();
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
 * ```
 * Relational query
 * ----------------
 * In relational context ActiveQuery represents a relation between two Active Record classes.
 * Relational ActiveQuery instances are usually created by calling [[ActiveRecord::hasOne()]] and
 * [[ActiveRecord::hasMany()]]. An Active Record class declares a relation by defining
 * a getter method which calls one of the above methods and returns the created ActiveQuery object.
 * A relation is specified by [[link]] which represents the association between columns
 * of different tables; and the multiplicity of the relation is indicated by [[multiple]].
 * If a relation involves a pivot table, it may be specified by [[via()]] or [[viaTable()]] method.
 * These methods may only be called in a relational context. Same is true for [[inverseOf()]], which
 * marks a relation as inverse of another relation and [[onCondition()]] which adds a condition that
 * is to be added to relational querys join condition.
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 * @author Qiang Xue <>
 * @author Carsten Brandt <>
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 * @since 2.0
class ActiveQuery extends Query implements ActiveQueryInterface
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	use ActiveQueryTrait;
	use ActiveRelationTrait;

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	 * @var string the SQL statement to be executed for retrieving AR records.
	 * This is set by [[ActiveRecord::findBySql()]].
	public $sql;
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	 * @var string|array the join condition to be used when this query is used in a relational context.
	 * The condition will be used in the ON part when [[ActiveQuery::joinWith()]] is called.
	 * Otherwise, the condition will be used in the WHERE part of a query.
	 * Please refer to [[Query::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
	 * @see onCondition()
	public $on;
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	 * Executes query and returns all results as an array.
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	 * @param Connection $db the DB connection used to create the DB command.
	 * If null, the DB connection returned by [[modelClass]] will be used.
	 * @return array|ActiveRecord[] the query results. If the query results in nothing, an empty array will be returned.
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	public function all($db = null)
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		return parent::all($db);

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	 * @inheritdoc
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	public function prepareResult($rows)
		if (empty($rows)) {
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			return [];
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		$models = $this->createModels($rows);
		if (!empty($this->join) && $this->indexBy === null) {
			$models = $this->removeDuplicatedModels($models);
		if (!empty($this->with)) {
			$this->findWith($this->with, $models);
		if (!$this->asArray) {
			foreach($models as $model) {
		return $models;
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	 * Removes duplicated models by checking their primary key values.
	 * This method is mainly called when a join query is performed, which may cause duplicated rows being returned.
	 * @param array $models the models to be checked
	 * @return array the distinctive models
	private function removeDuplicatedModels($models)
		$hash = [];
		/** @var ActiveRecord $class */
		$class = $this->modelClass;
		$pks = $class::primaryKey();

		if (count($pks) > 1) {
			foreach ($models as $i => $model) {
				$key = [];
				foreach ($pks as $pk) {
					$key[] = $model[$pk];
				$key = serialize($key);
				if (isset($hash[$key])) {
				} else {
					$hash[$key] = true;
		} else {
			$pk = reset($pks);
			foreach ($models as $i => $model) {
				$key = $model[$pk];
				if (isset($hash[$key])) {
				} else {
					$hash[$key] = true;

		return array_values($models);

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	 * Executes query and returns a single row of result.
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	 * @param Connection $db the DB connection used to create the DB command.
	 * If null, the DB connection returned by [[modelClass]] will be used.
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	 * @return ActiveRecord|array|null a single row of query result. Depending on the setting of [[asArray]],
	 * the query result may be either an array or an ActiveRecord object. Null will be returned
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	 * if the query results in nothing.
	public function one($db = null)
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		$command = $this->createCommand($db);
		$row = $command->queryOne();
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		if ($row !== false) {
			if ($this->asArray) {
				$model = $row;
			} else {
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				/** @var ActiveRecord $class */
				$class = $this->modelClass;
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				$model = $class::instantiate($row);
				$class::populateRecord($model, $row);
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			if (!empty($this->with)) {
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				$models = [$model];
				$this->findWith($this->with, $models);
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				$model = $models[0];
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			if (!$this->asArray) {
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			return $model;
		} else {
			return null;
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	 * Creates a DB command that can be used to execute this query.
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	 * @param Connection $db the DB connection used to create the DB command.
	 * If null, the DB connection returned by [[modelClass]] will be used.
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	 * @return Command the created DB command instance.
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	public function createCommand($db = null)
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		if ($this->primaryModel === null) {
			// not a relational context or eager loading
			if (!empty($this->on)) {
				$where = $this->where;
				$command = $this->createCommandInternal($db);
				$this->where = $where;
				return $command;
			} else {
				return $this->createCommandInternal($db);
		} else {
			// lazy loading of a relation
			return $this->createRelationalCommand($db);

	 * Creates a DB command that can be used to execute this query.
	 * @param Connection $db the DB connection used to create the DB command.
	 * If null, the DB connection returned by [[modelClass]] will be used.
	 * @return Command the created DB command instance.
	protected function createCommandInternal($db)
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		/** @var ActiveRecord $modelClass */
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		$modelClass = $this->modelClass;
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		if ($db === null) {
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			$db = $modelClass::getDb();
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		if ($this->sql === null) {
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			list ($sql, $params) = $db->getQueryBuilder()->build($this);
		} else {
			$sql = $this->sql;
			$params = $this->params;
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		return $db->createCommand($sql, $params);
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	 * Creates a command for lazy loading of a relation.
	 * @param Connection $db the DB connection used to create the DB command.
	 * @return Command the created DB command instance.
	private function createRelationalCommand($db = null)
		$where = $this->where;

		if ($this->via instanceof self) {
			// via pivot table
			$viaModels = $this->via->findPivotRows([$this->primaryModel]);
		} elseif (is_array($this->via)) {
			// via relation
			/** @var ActiveQuery $viaQuery */
			list($viaName, $viaQuery) = $this->via;
			if ($viaQuery->multiple) {
				$viaModels = $viaQuery->all();
				$this->primaryModel->populateRelation($viaName, $viaModels);
			} else {
				$model = $viaQuery->one();
				$this->primaryModel->populateRelation($viaName, $model);
				$viaModels = $model === null ? [] : [$model];
		} else {

		if (!empty($this->on)) {

		$command = $this->createCommandInternal($db);

		$this->where = $where;

		return $command;

291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302
	 * Joins with the specified relations.
	 * This method allows you to reuse existing relation definitions to perform JOIN queries.
	 * Based on the definition of the specified relation(s), the method will append one or multiple
	 * JOIN statements to the current query.
	 * If the `$eagerLoading` parameter is true, the method will also eager loading the specified relations,
	 * which is equivalent to calling [[with()]] using the specified relations.
	 * Note that because a JOIN query will be performed, you are responsible to disambiguate column names.
303 304
	 * This method differs from [[with()]] in that it will build up and execute a JOIN SQL statement
	 * for the primary table. And when `$eagerLoading` is true, it will call [[with()]] in addition with the specified relations.
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	 * @param array $with the relations to be joined. Each array element represents a single relation.
	 * The array keys are relation names, and the array values are the corresponding anonymous functions that
	 * can be used to modify the relation queries on-the-fly. If a relation query does not need modification,
	 * you may use the relation name as the array value. Sub-relations can also be specified (see [[with()]]).
	 * For example,
	 * ```php
	 * // find all orders that contain books, and eager loading "books"
314 315
	 * Order::find()->joinWith('books', true, 'INNER JOIN')->all();
	 * // find all orders, eager loading "books", and sort the orders and books by the book names.
316 317 318 319 320 321 322
	 * Order::find()->joinWith([
	 *     'books' => function ($query) {
	 *         $query->orderBy('');
	 *     }
	 * ])->all();
	 * ```
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	 * @param boolean|array $eagerLoading whether to eager load the relations specified in `$with`.
	 * When this is a boolean, it applies to all relations specified in `$with`. Use an array
	 * to explicitly list which relations in `$with` need to be eagerly loaded.
	 * @param string|array $joinType the join type of the relations specified in `$with`.
	 * When this is a string, it applies to all relations specified in `$with`. Use an array
	 * in the format of `relationName => joinType` to specify different join types for different relations.
	 * @return static the query object itself
	public function joinWith($with, $eagerLoading = true, $joinType = 'LEFT JOIN')
332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345
		$with = (array)$with;
		$this->joinWithRelations(new $this->modelClass, $with, $joinType);

		if (is_array($eagerLoading)) {
			foreach ($with as $name => $callback) {
				if (is_integer($name)) {
					if (!in_array($callback, $eagerLoading, true)) {
				} elseif (!in_array($name, $eagerLoading, true)) {
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		} elseif (!$eagerLoading) {
			$with = [];
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		return $this->with($with);
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	 * Inner joins with the specified relations.
	 * This is a shortcut method to [[joinWith()]] with the join type set as "INNER JOIN".
	 * Please refer to [[joinWith()]] for detailed usage of this method.
	 * @param array $with the relations to be joined with
	 * @param boolean|array $eagerLoading whether to eager loading the relations
	 * @return static the query object itself
	 * @see joinWith()
	public function innerJoinWith($with, $eagerLoading = true)
		return $this->joinWith($with, $eagerLoading, 'INNER JOIN');

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	 * Modifies the current query by adding join fragments based on the given relations.
	 * @param ActiveRecord $model the primary model
	 * @param array $with the relations to be joined
	 * @param string|array $joinType the join type
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	private function joinWithRelations($model, $with, $joinType)
		$relations = [];

		foreach ($with as $name => $callback) {
			if (is_integer($name)) {
				$name = $callback;
				$callback = null;

			$primaryModel = $model;
			$parent = $this;
			$prefix = '';
			while (($pos = strpos($name, '.')) !== false) {
				$childName = substr($name, $pos + 1);
				$name = substr($name, 0, $pos);
				$fullName = $prefix === '' ? $name : "$prefix.$name";
				if (!isset($relations[$fullName])) {
					$relations[$fullName] = $relation = $primaryModel->getRelation($name);
					$this->joinWithRelation($parent, $relation, $this->getJoinType($joinType, $fullName));
				} else {
					$relation = $relations[$fullName];
				$primaryModel = new $relation->modelClass;
				$parent = $relation;
				$prefix = $fullName;
				$name = $childName;

			$fullName = $prefix === '' ? $name : "$prefix.$name";
			if (!isset($relations[$fullName])) {
				$relations[$fullName] = $relation = $primaryModel->getRelation($name);
				if ($callback !== null) {
					call_user_func($callback, $relation);
				$this->joinWithRelation($parent, $relation, $this->getJoinType($joinType, $fullName));

413 414 415 416 417 418
	 * Returns the join type based on the given join type parameter and the relation name.
	 * @param string|array $joinType the given join type(s)
	 * @param string $name relation name
	 * @return string the real join type
419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428
	private function getJoinType($joinType, $name)
		if (is_array($joinType) && isset($joinType[$name])) {
			return $joinType[$name];
		} else {
			return is_string($joinType) ? $joinType : 'INNER JOIN';

	 * Returns the table name and the table alias for [[modelClass]].
	 * @param ActiveQuery $query
	 * @return array the table name and the table alias.
	private function getQueryTableName($query)
434 435 436 437
		if (empty($query->from)) {
			/** @var ActiveRecord $modelClass */
			$modelClass = $query->modelClass;
			$tableName = $modelClass::tableName();
		} else {
			$tableName = reset($query->from);
442 443

		if (preg_match('/^(.*?)\s+({{\w+}}|\w+)$/', $tableName, $matches)) {
444 445 446
			$alias = $matches[2];
		} else {
			$alias = $tableName;
448 449

		return [$tableName, $alias];
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453 454
	 * Joins a parent query with a child query.
	 * The current query object will be modified accordingly.
	 * @param ActiveQuery $parent
	 * @param ActiveQuery $child
457 458 459 460
	 * @param string $joinType
	private function joinWithRelation($parent, $child, $joinType)
461 462
		$via = $child->via;
		$child->via = null;
		if ($via instanceof ActiveQuery) {
464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474
			// via table
			$this->joinWithRelation($parent, $via, $joinType);
			$this->joinWithRelation($via, $child, $joinType);
		} elseif (is_array($via)) {
			// via relation
			$this->joinWithRelation($parent, $via[1], $joinType);
			$this->joinWithRelation($via[1], $child, $joinType);

475 476
		list ($parentTable, $parentAlias) = $this->getQueryTableName($parent);
		list ($childTable, $childAlias) = $this->getQueryTableName($child);

		if (!empty($child->link)) {
479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486

			if (strpos($parentAlias, '{{') === false) {
				$parentAlias = '{{' . $parentAlias . '}}';
			if (strpos($childAlias, '{{') === false) {
				$childAlias = '{{' . $childAlias . '}}';

487 488
			$on = [];
			foreach ($child->link as $childColumn => $parentColumn) {
				$on[] = "$parentAlias.[[$parentColumn]] = $childAlias.[[$childColumn]]";
490 491
			$on = implode(' AND ', $on);
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			if (!empty($child->on)) {
				$on = ['and', $on, $child->on];
		} else {
			$on = $child->on;
497 498
		$this->join($joinType, $childTable, $on);
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		if (!empty($child->where)) {
		if (!empty($child->having)) {
		if (!empty($child->orderBy)) {
		if (!empty($child->groupBy)) {
		if (!empty($child->params)) {
		if (!empty($child->join)) {
			foreach ($child->join as $join) {
				$this->join[] = $join;
		if (!empty($child->union)) {
			foreach ($child->union as $union) {
				$this->union[] = $union;
527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589

	 * Sets the ON condition for a relational query.
	 * The condition will be used in the ON part when [[ActiveQuery::joinWith()]] is called.
	 * Otherwise, the condition will be used in the WHERE part of a query.
	 * Use this method to specify additional conditions when declaring a relation in the [[ActiveRecord]] class:
	 * ```php
	 * public function getActiveUsers()
	 * {
	 *     return $this->hasMany(User::className(), ['id' => 'user_id'])->onCondition(['active' => true]);
	 * }
	 * ```
	 * @param string|array $condition the ON condition. Please refer to [[Query::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
	 * @param array $params the parameters (name => value) to be bound to the query.
	 * @return static the query object itself
	public function onCondition($condition, $params = [])
		$this->on = $condition;
		return $this;

	 * Specifies the pivot table for a relational query.
	 * Use this method to specify a pivot table when declaring a relation in the [[ActiveRecord]] class:
	 * ```php
	 * public function getItems()
	 * {
	 *     return $this->hasMany(Item::className(), ['id' => 'item_id'])
	 *                 ->viaTable('tbl_order_item', ['order_id' => 'id']);
	 * }
	 * ```
	 * @param string $tableName the name of the pivot table.
	 * @param array $link the link between the pivot table and the table associated with [[primaryModel]].
	 * The keys of the array represent the columns in the pivot table, and the values represent the columns
	 * in the [[primaryModel]] table.
	 * @param callable $callable a PHP callback for customizing the relation associated with the pivot table.
	 * Its signature should be `function($query)`, where `$query` is the query to be customized.
	 * @return static
	 * @see via()
	public function viaTable($tableName, $link, $callable = null)
		$relation = new ActiveQuery([
			'modelClass' => get_class($this->primaryModel),
			'from' => [$tableName],
			'link' => $link,
			'multiple' => true,
			'asArray' => true,
		$this->via = $relation;
		if ($callable !== null) {
			call_user_func($callable, $relation);
		return $this;
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