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Using template engines

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By default Yii uses PHP as template language, but you can configure it to support other rendering engines, such as
[Twig](http://twig.sensiolabs.org/) or [Smarty](http://www.smarty.net/).

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The `view` component is responsible for rendering views. You can add a custom template engines by reconfiguring this
component's behavior:
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	'components' => [
		'view' => [
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			'class' => 'yii\web\View',
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			'renderers' => [
				'tpl' => [
17 18
					'class' => 'yii\smarty\ViewRenderer',
					//'cachePath' => '@runtime/Smarty/cache',
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				'twig' => [
21 22 23
					'class' => 'yii\twig\ViewRenderer',
					//'cachePath' => '@runtime/Twig/cache',
					//'options' => [], /*  Array of twig options */
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				// ...
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In the config above we're using Smarty and Twig. In order to get these extensions in your project you need to modify
your `composer.json` to include

"yiisoft/yii2-smarty": "*",
"yiisoft/yii2-twig": "*",

in `require` section and then run `composer update`.
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To use Twig, you need to create templates in files with the `.twig` extension (or use another file extension but configure the component accordingly).
Unlike standard view files, when using Twig, you must include the extension  when calling `$this->render()`
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or `$this->renderPartial()` from your controller:

Alexander Makarov committed
echo $this->render('renderer.twig', ['username' => 'Alex']);
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### Additional functions

Yii adds the following construct to the standard Twig syntax:
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<a href="{{ path('blog/view', {'alias' : post.alias}) }}">{{ post.title }}</a>

Internally, the `path()` function calls Yii's `Html::url()` method.
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### Additional variables

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Within Twig templates, you can also make use of these variables:

- `app`, which equates to `\Yii::$app`
- `this`, which equates to the current `View` object
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To use Smarty, you need to create templates in files with the `.tpl` extension (or use another file extension but configure the component accordingly). Unlike standard view files, when using Smarty, you must include the extension  when calling `$this->render()`
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or `$this->renderPartial()` from your controller:

Alexander Makarov committed
echo $this->render('renderer.tpl', ['username' => 'Alex']);
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### Additional functions

Yii adds the following construct to the standard Smarty syntax:
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<a href="{path route='blog/view' alias=$post.alias}">{$post.title}</a>

Internally, the `path()` function calls Yii's `Html::url()` method.
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### Additional variables

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Within Smarty templates, you can also make use of these variables:

- `$app`, which equates to `\Yii::$app`
- `$this`, which equates to the current `View` object