QueryBuilder.php 12.5 KB
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 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
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 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
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 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/

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namespace yii\db\sqlite;
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use yii\db\Exception;
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use yii\base\InvalidParamException;
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use yii\base\NotSupportedException;
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 * QueryBuilder is the query builder for SQLite databases.
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 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @since 2.0
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class QueryBuilder extends \yii\db\QueryBuilder
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     * @var array mapping from abstract column types (keys) to physical column types (values).
    public $typeMap = [
        Schema::TYPE_STRING => 'varchar(255)',
        Schema::TYPE_TEXT => 'text',
        Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT => 'smallint',
        Schema::TYPE_INTEGER => 'integer',
        Schema::TYPE_BIGINT => 'bigint',
        Schema::TYPE_FLOAT => 'float',
        Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL => 'decimal(10,0)',
        Schema::TYPE_DATETIME => 'datetime',
        Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP => 'timestamp',
        Schema::TYPE_TIME => 'time',
        Schema::TYPE_DATE => 'date',
        Schema::TYPE_BINARY => 'blob',
        Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN => 'boolean',
        Schema::TYPE_MONEY => 'decimal(19,4)',
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45 46 47 48 49
     * Generates a batch INSERT SQL statement.
     * For example,
     * ~~~
     * $connection->createCommand()->batchInsert('user', ['name', 'age'], [
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
     *     ['Tom', 30],
     *     ['Jane', 20],
     *     ['Linda', 25],
     * ])->execute();
     * ~~~
     * Note that the values in each row must match the corresponding column names.
59 60 61
     * @param string $table the table that new rows will be inserted into.
     * @param array $columns the column names
     * @param array $rows the rows to be batch inserted into the table
62 63 64 65
     * @return string the batch INSERT SQL statement
    public function batchInsert($table, $columns, $rows)
66 67 68 69 70 71
        // SQLite supports batch insert natively since 3.7.11
        // http://www.sqlite.org/releaselog/3_7_11.html
        if (version_compare(\SQLite3::version()['versionString'], '3.7.11', '>=')) {
            return parent::batchInsert($table, $columns, $rows);

72 73 74 75 76
        if (($tableSchema = $this->db->getTableSchema($table)) !== null) {
            $columnSchemas = $tableSchema->columns;
        } else {
            $columnSchemas = [];

78 79 80 81 82
        $values = [];
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $vs = [];
            foreach ($row as $i => $value) {
                if (!is_array($value) && isset($columnSchemas[$columns[$i]])) {
                    $value = $columnSchemas[$columns[$i]]->dbTypecast($value);
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
                if (is_string($value)) {
                    $value = $this->db->quoteValue($value);
                } elseif ($value === false) {
                    $value = 0;
                } elseif ($value === null) {
                    $value = 'NULL';
                $vs[] = $value;
            $values[] = implode(', ', $vs);

97 98 99 100
        foreach ($columns as $i => $name) {
            $columns[$i] = $this->db->quoteColumnName($name);

101 102 103
        return 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($table)
        . ' (' . implode(', ', $columns) . ') SELECT ' . implode(' UNION SELECT ', $values);

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     * Creates a SQL statement for resetting the sequence value of a table's primary key.
     * The sequence will be reset such that the primary key of the next new row inserted
     * will have the specified value or 1.
109 110 111 112
     * @param string $tableName the name of the table whose primary key sequence will be reset
     * @param mixed $value the value for the primary key of the next new row inserted. If this is not set,
     * the next new row's primary key will have a value 1.
     * @return string the SQL statement for resetting sequence
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     * @throws InvalidParamException if the table does not exist or there is no sequence associated with the table.
    public function resetSequence($tableName, $value = null)
        $db = $this->db;
        $table = $db->getTableSchema($tableName);
        if ($table !== null && $table->sequenceName !== null) {
            if ($value === null) {
                $key = reset($table->primaryKey);
                $tableName = $db->quoteTableName($tableName);
                $value = $db->createCommand("SELECT MAX('$key') FROM $tableName")->queryScalar();
            } else {
                $value = (int) $value - 1;
            try {
                $db->createCommand("UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq='$value' WHERE name='{$table->name}'")->execute();
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                // it's possible that sqlite_sequence does not exist
        } elseif ($table === null) {
            throw new InvalidParamException("Table not found: $tableName");
        } else {
            throw new InvalidParamException("There is not sequence associated with table '$tableName'.'");
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     * Enables or disables integrity check.
141 142 143 144
     * @param boolean $check whether to turn on or off the integrity check.
     * @param string $schema the schema of the tables. Meaningless for SQLite.
     * @param string $table the table name. Meaningless for SQLite.
     * @return string the SQL statement for checking integrity
145 146 147 148
     * @throws NotSupportedException this is not supported by SQLite
    public function checkIntegrity($check = true, $schema = '', $table = '')
        return 'PRAGMA foreign_keys='.(int)$check;
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152 153
     * Builds a SQL statement for truncating a DB table.
     * @param string $table the table to be truncated. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
155 156 157 158 159 160
     * @return string the SQL statement for truncating a DB table.
    public function truncateTable($table)
        return "DELETE FROM " . $this->db->quoteTableName($table);
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162 163
     * Builds a SQL statement for dropping an index.
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     * @param string $name the name of the index to be dropped. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
     * @param string $table the table whose index is to be dropped. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
166 167 168 169 170 171
     * @return string the SQL statement for dropping an index.
    public function dropIndex($name, $table)
        return 'DROP INDEX ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($name);
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173 174
     * Builds a SQL statement for dropping a DB column.
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     * @param string $table the table whose column is to be dropped. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
     * @param string $column the name of the column to be dropped. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
     * @return string the SQL statement for dropping a DB column.
178 179 180 181 182 183
     * @throws NotSupportedException this is not supported by SQLite
    public function dropColumn($table, $column)
        throw new NotSupportedException(__METHOD__ . ' is not supported by SQLite.');
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     * Builds a SQL statement for renaming a column.
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     * @param string $table the table whose column is to be renamed. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
     * @param string $oldName the old name of the column. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
     * @param string $newName the new name of the column. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
     * @return string the SQL statement for renaming a DB column.
191 192 193 194 195 196
     * @throws NotSupportedException this is not supported by SQLite
    public function renameColumn($table, $oldName, $newName)
        throw new NotSupportedException(__METHOD__ . ' is not supported by SQLite.');
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198 199 200
     * Builds a SQL statement for adding a foreign key constraint to an existing table.
     * The method will properly quote the table and column names.
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210
     * @param string $name the name of the foreign key constraint.
     * @param string $table the table that the foreign key constraint will be added to.
     * @param string|array $columns the name of the column to that the constraint will be added on.
     * If there are multiple columns, separate them with commas or use an array to represent them.
     * @param string $refTable the table that the foreign key references to.
     * @param string|array $refColumns the name of the column that the foreign key references to.
     * If there are multiple columns, separate them with commas or use an array to represent them.
     * @param string $delete the ON DELETE option. Most DBMS support these options: RESTRICT, CASCADE, NO ACTION, SET DEFAULT, SET NULL
     * @param string $update the ON UPDATE option. Most DBMS support these options: RESTRICT, CASCADE, NO ACTION, SET DEFAULT, SET NULL
     * @return string the SQL statement for adding a foreign key constraint to an existing table.
211 212 213 214 215 216
     * @throws NotSupportedException this is not supported by SQLite
    public function addForeignKey($name, $table, $columns, $refTable, $refColumns, $delete = null, $update = null)
        throw new NotSupportedException(__METHOD__ . ' is not supported by SQLite.');
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     * Builds a SQL statement for dropping a foreign key constraint.
220 221 222
     * @param string $name the name of the foreign key constraint to be dropped. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
     * @param string $table the table whose foreign is to be dropped. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
     * @return string the SQL statement for dropping a foreign key constraint.
223 224 225 226 227 228
     * @throws NotSupportedException this is not supported by SQLite
    public function dropForeignKey($name, $table)
        throw new NotSupportedException(__METHOD__ . ' is not supported by SQLite.');
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     * Builds a SQL statement for changing the definition of a column.
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     * @param string $table the table whose column is to be changed. The table name will be properly quoted by the method.
     * @param string $column the name of the column to be changed. The name will be properly quoted by the method.
     * @param string $type the new column type. The [[getColumnType()]] method will be invoked to convert abstract
     * column type (if any) into the physical one. Anything that is not recognized as abstract type will be kept
     * in the generated SQL. For example, 'string' will be turned into 'varchar(255)', while 'string not null'
     * will become 'varchar(255) not null'.
     * @return string the SQL statement for changing the definition of a column.
239 240 241 242 243 244
     * @throws NotSupportedException this is not supported by SQLite
    public function alterColumn($table, $column, $type)
        throw new NotSupportedException(__METHOD__ . ' is not supported by SQLite.');

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     * Builds a SQL statement for adding a primary key constraint to an existing table.
248 249 250 251
     * @param string $name the name of the primary key constraint.
     * @param string $table the table that the primary key constraint will be added to.
     * @param string|array $columns comma separated string or array of columns that the primary key will consist of.
     * @return string the SQL statement for adding a primary key constraint to an existing table.
252 253 254 255 256 257
     * @throws NotSupportedException this is not supported by SQLite
    public function addPrimaryKey($name, $table, $columns)
        throw new NotSupportedException(__METHOD__ . ' is not supported by SQLite.');
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259 260
     * Builds a SQL statement for removing a primary key constraint to an existing table.
261 262 263
     * @param string $name the name of the primary key constraint to be removed.
     * @param string $table the table that the primary key constraint will be removed from.
     * @return string the SQL statement for removing a primary key constraint from an existing table.
     * @throws NotSupportedException this is not supported by SQLite
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    public function dropPrimaryKey($name, $table)
        throw new NotSupportedException(__METHOD__ . ' is not supported by SQLite.');

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     * @inheritdoc
    public function buildLimit($limit, $offset)
        $sql = '';
        if ($this->hasLimit($limit)) {
            $sql = 'LIMIT ' . $limit;
            if ($this->hasOffset($offset)) {
                $sql .= ' OFFSET ' . $offset;
        } elseif ($this->hasOffset($offset)) {
            // limit is not optional in SQLite
            // http://www.sqlite.org/syntaxdiagrams.html#select-stmt
            $sql = "LIMIT 9223372036854775807 OFFSET $offset"; // 2^63-1

        return $sql;
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