AccessControl.php 4.83 KB
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 * @link
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
 * @license

namespace yii\web;

use Yii;
use yii\base\Action;
use yii\base\ActionFilter;

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 * AccessControl provides simple access control based on a set of rules.
 * AccessControl is an action filter. It will check its [[rules]] to find
 * the first rule that matches the current context variables (such as user IP address, user role).
 * The matching rule will dictate whether to allow or deny the access to the requested controller
 * action. If no rule matches, the access will be denied.
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 * To use AccessControl, declare it in the `behaviors()` method of your controller class.
 * For example, the following declarations will allow authenticated users to access the "create"
 * and "update" actions and deny all other users from accessing these two actions.
 * ~~~
 * public function behaviors()
 * {
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 *     return [
 *         'access' => [
 *             'class' => \yii\web\AccessControl::className(),
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 *             'only' => ['create', 'update'],
 *             'rules' => [
 *                 // deny all POST requests
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 *                 [
 *                     'allow' => false,
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 *                     'verbs' => ['POST']
 *                 ],
 *                 // allow authenticated users
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 *                 [
 *                     'allow' => true,
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 *                     'roles' => ['@'],
 *                 ],
 *                 // everything else is denied
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 *             ],
 *         ],
 *     ];
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 * }
 * ~~~
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 * @author Qiang Xue <>
 * @since 2.0
class AccessControl extends ActionFilter
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     * @var callable a callback that will be called if the access should be denied
     * to the current user. If not set, [[denyAccess()]] will be called.
     * The signature of the callback should be as follows:
     * ~~~
     * function ($rule, $action)
     * ~~~
     * where `$rule` is this rule, and `$action` is the current [[Action|action]] object.
    public $denyCallback;
     * @var array the default configuration of access rules. Individual rule configurations
     * specified via [[rules]] will take precedence when the same property of the rule is configured.
    public $ruleConfig = ['class' => 'yii\web\AccessRule'];
     * @var array a list of access rule objects or configuration arrays for creating the rule objects.
     * If a rule is specified via a configuration array, it will be merged with [[ruleConfig]] first
     * before it is used for creating the rule object.
     * @see ruleConfig
    public $rules = [];

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     * Initializes the [[rules]] array by instantiating rule objects from configurations.
    public function init()
        foreach ($this->rules as $i => $rule) {
            if (is_array($rule)) {
                $this->rules[$i] = Yii::createObject(array_merge($this->ruleConfig, $rule));

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     * This method is invoked right before an action is to be executed (after all possible filters.)
     * You may override this method to do last-minute preparation for the action.
     * @param Action $action the action to be executed.
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     * @return boolean whether the action should continue to be executed.
    public function beforeAction($action)
        $user = Yii::$app->getUser();
        $request = Yii::$app->getRequest();
        /** @var AccessRule $rule */
        foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
            if ($allow = $rule->allows($action, $user, $request)) {
                return true;
            } elseif ($allow === false) {
                if (isset($rule->denyCallback)) {
                    call_user_func($rule->denyCallback, $rule, $action);
                } elseif (isset($this->denyCallback)) {
                    call_user_func($this->denyCallback, $rule, $action);
                } else {

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                return false;
        if (isset($this->denyCallback)) {
            call_user_func($this->denyCallback, $rule, $action);
        } else {

        return false;

     * Denies the access of the user.
     * The default implementation will redirect the user to the login page if he is a guest;
     * if the user is already logged, a 403 HTTP exception will be thrown.
     * @param User $user the current user
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     * @throws ForbiddenHttpException if the user is already logged in.
    protected function denyAccess($user)
        if ($user->getIsGuest()) {
        } else {
            throw new ForbiddenHttpException(Yii::t('yii', 'You are not allowed to perform this action.'));
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