Logger.php 13.3 KB
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 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
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 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
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 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/

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namespace yii\log;
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use Yii;
use yii\base\Component;

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 * Logger records logged messages in memory and sends them to different targets as needed.
 * Logger is registered as a core application component and can be accessed using `Yii::$app->log`.
 * You can call the method [[log()]] to record a single log message. For convenience, a set of shortcut
 * methods are provided for logging messages of various severity levels via the [[Yii]] class:
 * - [[Yii::trace()]]
 * - [[Yii::error()]]
 * - [[Yii::warning()]]
 * - [[Yii::info()]]
 * - [[Yii::beginProfile()]]
 * - [[Yii::endProfile()]]
 * When enough messages are accumulated in the logger, or when the current request finishes,
 * the logged messages will be sent to different [[targets]], such as log files, emails.
 * You may configure the targets in application configuration, like the following:
 * ~~~
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 * [
 *     'components' => [
 *         'log' => [
 *             'targets' => [
 *                 'file' => [
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 *                     'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget',
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 *                     'levels' => ['trace', 'info'],
 *                     'categories' => ['yii\*'],
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 *                 ],
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 *                 'email' => [
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 *                     'class' => 'yii\log\EmailTarget',
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 *                     'levels' => ['error', 'warning'],
45 46 47
 *                     'message' => [
 *                         'to' => 'admin@example.com',
 *                     ],
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 *                 ],
 *             ],
 *         ],
 *     ],
 * ]
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 * ~~~
 * Each log target can have a name and can be referenced via the [[targets]] property
 * as follows:
 * ~~~
 * Yii::$app->log->targets['file']->enabled = false;
 * ~~~
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 * When the application ends or [[flushInterval]] is reached, Logger will call [[flush()]]
 * to send logged messages to different log targets, such as file, email, Web.
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 * @property array $dbProfiling The first element indicates the number of SQL statements executed, and the
 * second element the total time spent in SQL execution. This property is read-only.
 * @property float $elapsedTime The total elapsed time in seconds for current request. This property is
 * read-only.
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 * @property array $profiling The profiling results. Each element is an array consisting of these elements:
 * `info`, `category`, `timestamp`, `trace`, `level`, `duration`. This property is read-only.
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 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @since 2.0
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class Logger extends Component
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     * Error message level. An error message is one that indicates the abnormal termination of the
     * application and may require developer's handling.
    const LEVEL_ERROR = 0x01;
     * Warning message level. A warning message is one that indicates some abnormal happens but
     * the application is able to continue to run. Developers should pay attention to this message.
    const LEVEL_WARNING = 0x02;
     * Informational message level. An informational message is one that includes certain information
     * for developers to review.
    const LEVEL_INFO = 0x04;
     * Tracing message level. An tracing message is one that reveals the code execution flow.
    const LEVEL_TRACE = 0x08;
     * Profiling message level. This indicates the message is for profiling purpose.
    const LEVEL_PROFILE = 0x40;
     * Profiling message level. This indicates the message is for profiling purpose. It marks the
     * beginning of a profiling block.
    const LEVEL_PROFILE_BEGIN = 0x50;
     * Profiling message level. This indicates the message is for profiling purpose. It marks the
     * end of a profiling block.
    const LEVEL_PROFILE_END = 0x60;
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     * @var array logged messages. This property is managed by [[log()]] and [[flush()]].
     * Each log message is of the following structure:
     * ~~~
     * [
     *   [0] => message (mixed, can be a string or some complex data, such as an exception object)
     *   [1] => level (integer)
     *   [2] => category (string)
     *   [3] => timestamp (float, obtained by microtime(true))
     *   [4] => traces (array, debug backtrace, contains the application code call stacks)
     * ]
     * ~~~
    public $messages = [];
     * @var array debug data. This property stores various types of debug data reported at
     * different instrument places.
    public $data = [];
     * @var array|Target[] the log targets. Each array element represents a single [[Target|log target]] instance
     * or the configuration for creating the log target instance.
    public $targets = [];
     * @var integer how many messages should be logged before they are flushed from memory and sent to targets.
     * Defaults to 1000, meaning the [[flush]] method will be invoked once every 1000 messages logged.
     * Set this property to be 0 if you don't want to flush messages until the application terminates.
     * This property mainly affects how much memory will be taken by the logged messages.
     * A smaller value means less memory, but will increase the execution time due to the overhead of [[flush()]].
    public $flushInterval = 1000;
     * @var integer how much call stack information (file name and line number) should be logged for each message.
     * If it is greater than 0, at most that number of call stacks will be logged. Note that only application
     * call stacks are counted.
     * If not set, it will default to 3 when `YII_ENV` is set as "dev", and 0 otherwise.
    public $traceLevel;
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     * Initializes the logger by registering [[flush()]] as a shutdown function.
    public function init()
        if ($this->traceLevel === null) {
            $this->traceLevel = YII_ENV_DEV ? 3 : 0;
        foreach ($this->targets as $name => $target) {
            if (!$target instanceof Target) {
                $this->targets[$name] = Yii::createObject($target);
        register_shutdown_function([$this, 'flush'], true);
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     * Logs a message with the given type and category.
     * If [[traceLevel]] is greater than 0, additional call stack information about
     * the application code will be logged as well.
     * @param string  $message  the message to be logged.
     * @param integer $level    the level of the message. This must be one of the following:
     *                          `Logger::LEVEL_ERROR`, `Logger::LEVEL_WARNING`, `Logger::LEVEL_INFO`, `Logger::LEVEL_TRACE`,
     *                          `Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_BEGIN`, `Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_END`.
     * @param string  $category the category of the message.
    public function log($message, $level, $category = 'application')
        $time = microtime(true);
        $traces = [];
        if ($this->traceLevel > 0) {
            $count = 0;
            $ts = debug_backtrace();
            array_pop($ts); // remove the last trace since it would be the entry script, not very useful
            foreach ($ts as $trace) {
                if (isset($trace['file'], $trace['line']) && strpos($trace['file'], YII_PATH) !== 0) {
                    unset($trace['object'], $trace['args']);
                    $traces[] = $trace;
                    if (++$count >= $this->traceLevel) {
        $this->messages[] = [$message, $level, $category, $time, $traces];
        if ($this->flushInterval > 0 && count($this->messages) >= $this->flushInterval) {
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     * Flushes log messages from memory to targets.
     * @param boolean $final whether this is a final call during a request.
    public function flush($final = false)
        /** @var Target $target */
        foreach ($this->targets as $target) {
            if ($target->enabled) {
                $target->collect($this->messages, $final);
        $this->messages = [];
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     * Returns the total elapsed time since the start of the current request.
     * This method calculates the difference between now and the timestamp
     * defined by constant `YII_BEGIN_TIME` which is evaluated at the beginning
     * of [[\yii\BaseYii]] class file.
     * @return float the total elapsed time in seconds for current request.
    public function getElapsedTime()
        return microtime(true) - YII_BEGIN_TIME;
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     * Returns the profiling results.
     * By default, all profiling results will be returned. You may provide
     * `$categories` and `$excludeCategories` as parameters to retrieve the
     * results that you are interested in.
     * @param  array $categories        list of categories that you are interested in.
     *                                  You can use an asterisk at the end of a category to do a prefix match.
     *                                  For example, 'yii\db\*' will match categories starting with 'yii\db\',
     *                                  such as 'yii\db\Connection'.
     * @param  array $excludeCategories list of categories that you want to exclude
     * @return array the profiling results. Each element is an array consisting of these elements:
     *                                 `info`, `category`, `timestamp`, `trace`, `level`, `duration`.
    public function getProfiling($categories = [], $excludeCategories = [])
        $timings = $this->calculateTimings($this->messages);
        if (empty($categories) && empty($excludeCategories)) {
            return $timings;
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        foreach ($timings as $i => $timing) {
            $matched = empty($categories);
            foreach ($categories as $category) {
                $prefix = rtrim($category, '*');
                if (strpos($timing['category'], $prefix) === 0 && ($timing['category'] === $category || $prefix !== $category)) {
                    $matched = true;
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            if ($matched) {
                foreach ($excludeCategories as $category) {
                    $prefix = rtrim($category, '*');
                    foreach ($timings as $i => $timing) {
                        if (strpos($timing['category'], $prefix) === 0 && ($timing['category'] === $category || $prefix !== $category)) {
                            $matched = false;
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            if (!$matched) {
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        return array_values($timings);

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     * Returns the statistical results of DB queries.
     * The results returned include the number of SQL statements executed and
     * the total time spent.
     * @return array the first element indicates the number of SQL statements executed,
     *               and the second element the total time spent in SQL execution.
    public function getDbProfiling()
        $timings = $this->getProfiling(['yii\db\Command::query', 'yii\db\Command::execute']);
        $count = count($timings);
        $time = 0;
        foreach ($timings as $timing) {
            $time += $timing['duration'];

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        return [$count, $time];
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     * Calculates the elapsed time for the given log messages.
     * @param  array $messages the log messages obtained from profiling
     * @return array timings. Each element is an array consisting of these elements:
     *                        `info`, `category`, `timestamp`, `trace`, `level`, `duration`.
    public function calculateTimings($messages)
        $timings = [];
        $stack = [];
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        foreach ($messages as $i => $log) {
            list($token, $level, $category, $timestamp, $traces) = $log;
            $log[5] = $i;
            if ($level == Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_BEGIN) {
                $stack[] = $log;
            } elseif ($level == Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE_END) {
                if (($last = array_pop($stack)) !== null && $last[0] === $token) {
                    $timings[$last[5]] = [
                        'info' => $last[0],
                        'category' => $last[2],
                        'timestamp' => $last[3],
                        'trace' => $last[4],
                        'level' => count($stack),
                        'duration' => $timestamp - $last[3],
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        return array_values($timings);

     * Returns the text display of the specified level.
     * @param  integer $level the message level, e.g. [[LEVEL_ERROR]], [[LEVEL_WARNING]].
     * @return string  the text display of the level
    public static function getLevelName($level)
        static $levels = [
            self::LEVEL_ERROR => 'error',
            self::LEVEL_WARNING => 'warning',
            self::LEVEL_INFO => 'info',
            self::LEVEL_TRACE => 'trace',
            self::LEVEL_PROFILE_BEGIN => 'profile begin',
            self::LEVEL_PROFILE_END => 'profile end',

        return isset($levels[$level]) ? $levels[$level] : 'unknown';
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