Commit 3b91801a by Carsten Brandt

cherry picked RedisCache and redis\Connection from redis WIP branch

commit in redis branch was: 0cd65e74
parent 0e2ac865
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\caching;
use yii\db\redis\Connection;
* RedisCache implements a cache application component based on [redis](
* RedisCache needs to be configured with [[hostname]], [[port]] and [[database]] of the server
* to connect to. By default RedisCache assumes there is a redis server running on localhost at
* port 6379 and uses the database number 0.
* RedisCache also supports [the AUTH command]( of redis.
* When the server needs authentication, you can set the [[password]] property to
* authenticate with the server after connect.
* See [[Cache]] manual for common cache operations that RedisCache supports.
* Unlike the [[CCache]], RedisCache allows the expire parameter of
* [[set]] and [[add]] to be a floating point number, so you may specify the time in milliseconds.
* To use RedisCache as the cache application component, configure the application as follows,
* ~~~
* array(
* 'components'=>array(
* 'cache'=>array(
* 'class'=>'RedisCache',
* 'hostname'=>'localhost',
* 'port'=>6379,
* 'database'=>0,
* ),
* ),
* )
* ~~~
* @author Carsten Brandt <>
* @since 2.0
class RedisCache extends Cache
* @var string hostname to use for connecting to the redis server. Defaults to 'localhost'.
public $hostname = 'localhost';
* @var int the port to use for connecting to the redis server. Default port is 6379.
public $port = 6379;
* @var string the password to use to authenticate with the redis server. If not set, no AUTH command will be sent.
public $password;
* @var int the redis database to use. This is an integer value starting from 0. Defaults to 0.
public $database = 0;
* @var float timeout to use for connection to redis. If not set the timeout set in php.ini will be used: ini_get("default_socket_timeout")
public $connectionTimeout = null;
* @var float timeout to use for redis socket when reading and writing data. If not set the php default value will be used.
public $dataTimeout = null;
* @var \yii\db\redis\Connection the redis connection
private $_connection;
* Initializes the cache component by establishing a connection to the redis server.
public function init()
* Returns the redis connection object.
* Establishes a connection to the redis server if it does not already exists.
* TODO throw exception on error
* @return \yii\db\redis\Connection
public function getConnection()
if ($this->_connection === null) {
$this->_connection = new Connection(array(
'dsn' => 'redis://' . $this->hostname . ':' . $this->port . '/' . $this->database,
'password' => $this->password,
'connectionTimeout' => $this->connectionTimeout,
'dataTimeout' => $this->dataTimeout,
return $this->_connection;
* Retrieves a value from cache with a specified key.
* This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class.
* @param string $key a unique key identifying the cached value
* @return string|boolean the value stored in cache, false if the value is not in the cache or expired.
protected function getValue($key)
return $this->_connection->executeCommand('GET', array($key));
* Retrieves multiple values from cache with the specified keys.
* @param array $keys a list of keys identifying the cached values
* @return array a list of cached values indexed by the keys
protected function getValues($keys)
$response = $this->_connection->executeCommand('MGET', $keys);
$result = array();
$i = 0;
foreach($keys as $key) {
$result[$key] = $response[$i++];
return $result;
* Stores a value identified by a key in cache.
* This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class.
* @param string $key the key identifying the value to be cached
* @param string $value the value to be cached
* @param float $expire the number of seconds in which the cached value will expire. 0 means never expire.
* This can be a floating point number to specify the time in milliseconds.
* @return boolean true if the value is successfully stored into cache, false otherwise
protected function setValue($key,$value,$expire)
if ($expire == 0) {
return (bool) $this->_connection->executeCommand('SET', array($key, $value));
} else {
$expire = (int) ($expire * 1000);
return (bool) $this->_connection->executeCommand('PSETEX', array($key, $expire, $value));
* Stores a value identified by a key into cache if the cache does not contain this key.
* This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class.
* @param string $key the key identifying the value to be cached
* @param string $value the value to be cached
* @param float $expire the number of seconds in which the cached value will expire. 0 means never expire.
* This can be a floating point number to specify the time in milliseconds.
* @return boolean true if the value is successfully stored into cache, false otherwise
protected function addValue($key,$value,$expire)
if ($expire == 0) {
return (bool) $this->_connection->executeCommand('SETNX', array($key, $value));
} else {
// TODO consider requiring redis version >= 2.6.12 that supports this in one command
$expire = (int) ($expire * 1000);
$this->_connection->executeCommand('SETNX', array($key, $value));
$this->_connection->executeCommand('PEXPIRE', array($key, $expire));
$response = $this->_connection->executeCommand('EXEC');
return (bool) $response[0];
* Deletes a value with the specified key from cache
* This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class.
* @param string $key the key of the value to be deleted
* @return boolean if no error happens during deletion
protected function deleteValue($key)
return (bool) $this->_connection->executeCommand('DEL', array($key));
* Deletes all values from cache.
* This is the implementation of the method declared in the parent class.
* @return boolean whether the flush operation was successful.
protected function flushValues()
return $this->_connection->executeCommand('FLUSHDB');
* Transaction class file.
* @link
* @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\db\redis;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use yii\db\Exception;
* Transaction represents a DB transaction.
* @property boolean $isActive Whether the transaction is active. This property is read-only.
* @since 2.0
class Transaction extends \yii\base\Object
* @var Connection the database connection that this transaction is associated with.
public $db;
* @var boolean whether this transaction is active. Only an active transaction
* can [[commit()]] or [[rollBack()]]. This property is set true when the transaction is started.
private $_active = false;
* Returns a value indicating whether this transaction is active.
* @return boolean whether this transaction is active. Only an active transaction
* can [[commit()]] or [[rollBack()]].
public function getIsActive()
return $this->_active;
* Begins a transaction.
* @throws InvalidConfigException if [[connection]] is null
public function begin()
if (!$this->_active) {
if ($this->db === null) {
throw new InvalidConfigException('Transaction::db must be set.');
\Yii::trace('Starting transaction', __CLASS__);
$this->_active = true;
* Commits a transaction.
* @throws Exception if the transaction or the DB connection is not active.
public function commit()
if ($this->_active && $this->db && $this->db->isActive) {
\Yii::trace('Committing transaction', __CLASS__);
// TODO handle result of EXEC
$this->_active = false;
} else {
throw new Exception('Failed to commit transaction: transaction was inactive.');
* Rolls back a transaction.
* @throws Exception if the transaction or the DB connection is not active.
public function rollback()
if ($this->_active && $this->db && $this->db->isActive) {
\Yii::trace('Rolling back transaction', __CLASS__);
$this->_active = false;
} else {
throw new Exception('Failed to roll back transaction: transaction was inactive.');
namespace yiiunit\framework\caching;
use yii\caching\MemCache;
use yii\caching\RedisCache;
use yiiunit\TestCase;
* Class for testing redis cache backend
class RedisCacheTest extends CacheTestCase
private $_cacheInstance = null;
* @return MemCache
protected function getCacheInstance()
$config = array(
'hostname' => 'localhost',
'port' => 6379,
'database' => 0,
'dataTimeout' => 0.1,
$dsn = $config['hostname'] . ':' .$config['port'];
if(!@stream_socket_client($dsn, $errorNumber, $errorDescription, 0.5)) {
$this->markTestSkipped('No redis server running at ' . $dsn .' : ' . $errorNumber . ' - ' . $errorDescription);
if($this->_cacheInstance === null) {
$this->_cacheInstance = new RedisCache($config);
return $this->_cacheInstance;
public function testExpireMilliseconds()
$cache = $this->getCacheInstance();
$this->assertTrue($cache->set('expire_test_ms', 'expire_test_ms', 0.2));
$this->assertEquals('expire_test_ms', $cache->get('expire_test_ms'));
* Store a value that is 2 times buffer size big
public function testLargeData()
$cache = $this->getCacheInstance();
$data=str_repeat('XX',8192); //
// try with multibyte string
$data=str_repeat('ЖЫ',8192); //
public function testMultiByteGetAndSet()
$cache = $this->getCacheInstance();
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