Commit d30ca6d1 by aleksandr

beforeSubmit function after global validation all fields forms

parent ec0e348a
No related merge requests found
......@@ -127,6 +127,13 @@
var $form = $(this),
data = $'yiiActiveForm');
if (data.validated) {
if (data.settings.beforeSubmit !== undefined) {
if (data.settings.beforeSubmit($form) == false) {
data.validated = false;
data.submitting = false;
return false;
// continue submitting the form since validation passes
return true;
......@@ -135,40 +142,36 @@
data.submitting = true;
if (!data.settings.beforeSubmit || data.settings.beforeSubmit($form)) {
validate($form, function (messages) {
var errors = [];
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (updateInput($form, this, messages)) {
updateSummary($form, messages);
if (errors.length) {
var top = $form.find(errors.join(',')).first().offset().top;
var wtop = $(window).scrollTop();
if (top < wtop || top > wtop + $(window).height) {
} else {
data.validated = true;
var $button = data.submitObject || $form.find(':submit:first');
// TODO: if the submission is caused by "change" event, it will not work
if ($button.length) {
} else {
// no submit button in the form
validate($form, function (messages) {
var errors = [];
$.each(data.attributes, function () {
if (updateInput($form, this, messages)) {
data.submitting = false;
}, function () {
data.submitting = false;
} else {
updateSummary($form, messages);
if (errors.length) {
var top = $form.find(errors.join(',')).first().offset().top;
var wtop = $(window).scrollTop();
if (top < wtop || top > wtop + $(window).height) {
} else {
data.validated = true;
var $button = data.submitObject || $form.find(':submit:first');
// TODO: if the submission is caused by "change" event, it will not work
if ($button.length) {
} else {
// no submit button in the form
data.submitting = false;
}, function () {
data.submitting = false;
return false;
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