translate concept-aliases and autoloading [skip cii]

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路径别名(Path Alias 简称别名)用作代表文件路径和 URL,主要为了避免在代码中硬编码一些绝对路径和
URL。一个别名必须以 `@` 字符开头,以区别于传统的文件/目录路径或 URL。举栗,别名 `@yii`
指的是 Yii 框架本身的安装目录,而 `@web` 表示的是当前运行应用的根 URL(base URL)。
定义别名 <a name="defining-aliases"></a>
你可以调用 [[Yii::setAlias()]] 来给指定路径/URL 定义别名。栗子:
// 文件路径的别名
Yii::setAlias('@foo', '/path/to/foo');
// URL 的别名
Yii::setAlias('@bar', '');
> 注意:别名所指向的文件路径或 URL 不一定是真实存在的文件或资源哦。
用一个别名,你能通过在后面接续斜杠 `/` 以及若干路径片段得到一个新的别名(无需调用
[[Yii::setAlias()]])。我们把通过 [[Yii::setAlias()]] 定义的别名成为根别名
*root aliases*,而用他们衍生出去的别名成为衍生别名 *derived aliases*。比如,`@foo` 就是跟别名,而 `@foo/bar/file.php`
Yii::setAlias('@foobar', '@foo/bar');
根别名通常在 [引导(bootstrapping)]( 阶段定义。比如你可以在
[入口脚本]( 里调用 [[Yii::setAlias()]]。为了方便起见呢,[应用主体(Application)](
提供了一个名为 `aliases` 的可写属性,你可以在应用[配置文件](中设置它,就像这样:
return [
// ...
'aliases' => [
'@foo' => '/path/to/foo',
'@bar' => '',
解析别名 <a name="resolving-aliases"></a>
你可以调用 [[Yii::getAlias()]] 命令来解析一个根别名到他所对应的文件路径或 URL。同样的页面也可以用于解析衍生别名。比如:
echo Yii::getAlias('@foo'); // 显示:/path/to/foo
echo Yii::getAlias('@bar'); // 显示:
echo Yii::getAlias('@foo/bar/file.php'); // 显示:/path/to/foo/bar/file.php
由衍生别名所代指的路径/URL 是通过替换掉衍生别名中的根别名部分得到的。
> 注意:[[Yii::getAlias()]] 不检查结果路径/URL 所指向的资源是否真实存在。
根别名可能也会包含斜杠 `/` 字符。[[Yii::getAlias()]] 足够聪明,能知道一个别名中的哪个部分是根别名,因此能正确解析文件路径/URL。比如:
Yii::setAlias('@foo', '/path/to/foo');
Yii::setAlias('@foo/bar', '/path2/bar');
Yii::getAlias('@foo/test/file.php'); // 显示:/path/to/foo/test/file.php
Yii::getAlias('@foo/bar/file.php'); // 显示:/path2/bar/file.php
`@foo/bar` 未被定义为根别名,最后一行语句会显示为 `/path/to/foo/bar/file.php`
使用别名 <a name="using-aliases"></a>
别名在 Yii 的很多地方都会被正确识别,而无需调用 [[Yii::getAlias()]]
来把它们转换为路径/URL。比如,[[yii\caching\FileCache::cachePath]] 能同时接受文件路径或是代表文件路径的别名,多亏了 `@` 前缀,它区分开了文件路径与别名。
use yii\caching\FileCache;
$cache = new FileCache([
'cachePath' => '@runtime/cache',
请关注下 API 文档了解属性或方法参数是否支持别名。
预定义的别名 <a name="predefined-aliases"></a>
Yii 预定义了一系列别名来简化频繁引用常用路径和 URL的需求。
- `@yii` - `BaseYii.php` 文件所在的目录(也被称为框架安装目录)
- `@app` - 当前运行的应用 [[yii\base\Application::basePath|根路径(base path)]]
- `@runtime` - 当前运行的应用的 [[yii\base\Application::runtimePath|运行环境(runtime)路径]]
- `@vendor` - [[yii\base\Application::vendorPath|Composer 供应商目录]]
- `@webroot` - 当前运行应用的 Web 入口目录
- `@web` - 当前运行应用的根 URL
`@yii` 别名是在[入口脚本](里包含 `Yii.php` 文件时定义的,其他的别名都是在[配置应用](的时候,于应用的构造器内定义的。
扩展的别名 <a name="extension-aliases"></a>
每一个通过 Composer 安装的 [扩展]( 都自动添加了一个别名。该别名会以该扩展在 `composer.json`
文件中所声明的根命名空间为名,且他直接代指该包的根目录。比如,如果你安装有 `yiisoft/yii2-jui` 扩展,你会自动得到
`@yii/jui` 别名,它定义于[引导启动](阶段:
Yii::setAlias('@yii/jui', 'VendorPath/yiisoft/yii2-jui');
\ No newline at end of file
Yii relies on the [class autoloading mechanism](
to locate and include required class files. It provides a high-performance class autoloader that is compliant to the
[PSR-4 标准](
The autoloader is installed when you include the `Yii.php` file.
> Note: For simplicity of description, in this section we will only talk about autoloading of classes. However, keep in
mind that the content we are describing here applies to autoloading of interfaces and traits as well.
使用 Yii 自动加载器 <a name="using-yii-autoloader"></a>
To make use of the Yii class autoloader, you should follow two simple rules when creating and naming your classes:
* Each class must be under some namespace (e.g. `foo\bar\MyClass`).
* Each class must be saved in an individual file whose path is determined by the following algorithm:
// $className is a fully qualified class name with the leading backslash
$classFile = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $className) . '.php');
For example, if a class name is `foo\bar\MyClass`, the [alias]( for the corresponding class file path
would be `@foo/bar/MyClass.php`. In order for this alias to be able to be resolved into a file path,
either `@foo` or `@foo/bar` must be a [root alias](
When you are using the [Basic Application Template](, you may put your classes under the top-level
namespace `app` so that they can be autoloaded by Yii without the need of defining a new alias. This is because
`@app` is a [predefined alias](, and a class name like `app\components\MyClass`
can be resolved into the class file `AppBasePath/components/MyClass.php`, according to the algorithm we just described.
In the [Advanced Application Template](, each tier has its own root alias. For example,
the front-end tier has a root alias `@frontend` while the back-end tier `@backend`. As a result, you may
put the front-end classes under the namespace `frontend` while the back-end classes under `backend`. This will
allow these classes to be autoloaded by the Yii autoloader.
类映射表(Class Map) <a name="class-map"></a>
The Yii class autoloader supports the *class map* feature which maps class names to the corresponding class file paths.
When the autoloader is loading a class, it will first check if the class is found in the map. If so, the corresponding
file path will be included directly without further check. This makes class autoloading super fast. In fact,
all core Yii classes are being autoloaded this way.
You may add a class to the class map `Yii::$classMap` as follows,
Yii::$classMap['foo\bar\MyClass'] = 'path/to/MyClass.php';
[Aliases]( can be used to specify class file paths. You should set the class map in the
[bootstrapping]( process so that the map is ready before your classes are used.
用其他自动加载器 <a name="using-other-autoloaders"></a>
Because Yii embraces Composer as a package dependency manager, it is recommended that you also install
the Composer autoloader. If you are using some 3rd-party libraries that have their autoloaders, you should
also install them.
When you are using the Yii autoloader together with other autoloaders, you should include the `Yii.php` file
*after* all other autoloaders are installed. This will make the Yii autoloader to be the first one responding to
any class autoloading request. For example, the following code is extracted from
the [entry script]( of the [Basic Application Template]( The first
line installs the Composer autoloader, while the second line installs the Yii autoloader.
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php');
You may use the Composer autoloader alone without the Yii autoloader. However, by doing so, the performance
of your class autoloading may be degraded, and you must follow the rules set by Composer in order for your classes
to be autoloadable.
> Info: If you do not want to use the Yii autoloader, you must create your own version of the `Yii.php` file
and include it in your [entry script](
自动加载扩展类 <a name="autoloading-extension-classes"></a>
The Yii autoloader is capable of autoloading [extension]( classes. The sole requirement
is that an extension specifies the `autoload` section correctly in its `composer.json` file. Please refer to the
[Composer documentation]( for more details about specifying `autoload`.
In case you do not use the Yii autoloader, the Composer autoloader can still autoload extension classes for you.
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