Commit eb5bf2da by Carsten Brandt
parent d3740932
......@@ -5,11 +5,32 @@ php:
- 5.4
- 5.5
- composer self-update && composer --version
- composer require satooshi/php-coveralls 0.6.*
- mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE yiitest;';
- psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE yiitest;';
# install CUBRID DBMS
- sudo hostname localhost
# Update OS before installing prerequisites.
- sudo apt-get update
# Install Chef Solo prerequisites.
- sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev libopenssl-ruby rdoc ri irb build-essential ssl-cert
# Install Chef Solo.
# Chef Solo 11.4.4 is broken, so install a previous version.
# The bug is planned to be fixed in 11.4.5 which haven't been released yet.
- sudo gem install --version '<11.4.4' chef --no-rdoc --no-ri
# Make sure the target directory for cookbooks exists.
- mkdir -p /tmp/chef-solo
# Prepare a file with runlist for Chef Solo.
- echo '{"cubrid":{"version":"'$CUBRID_VERSION'"},"run_list":["cubrid::demodb"]}' > cubrid_chef.json
# Install CUBRID via Chef Solo. Download all cookbooks from a remote URL.
- sudo chef-solo -c tests/unit/data/cubrid-solo.rb -j cubrid_chef.json -r
- phpunit --coverage-clover tests/unit/runtime/coveralls/clover.xml
file_cache_path "/tmp/chef-solo"
data_bag_path "/tmp/chef-solo/data_bags"
encrypted_data_bag_secret "/tmp/chef-solo/data_bag_key"
cookbook_path [ "/tmp/chef-solo/cookbooks" ]
role_path "/tmp/chef-solo/roles"
\ No newline at end of file
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