You can move around the graph by using the arrow keys.
Created with Raphaël 2.2.014Feb1312111011109898989876767676765654343432131Jan1Feb31Jan1Feb31Jan1Feb31Jan30313029302928292829282728272627262726272627262526252625242524232423242324232223222122212221added mail count filteringfixed matcher to work with strings that represents integer valuesMerge pull request #2437 from maximal/patch-1Mistype fixensure populateRelation() is called for lazy loading.Merge pull request #2434 from Ragazzo/tests_improvedvisibility changedforcing user component to logoutFix for multiple $.ajax calls with "JSONP" dataType (related to #2417)Fixed test break.minor doc improvement.fixed test break.Fixed test break.Added helpers.mdadded back fallback mechanism for generating salt.Merge pull request #2422 from sarciszewski/patch-1Inconsistently insecureMerge pull request #2421 from yiiframework-com-ua/masterRemoved unnecessary PHPDoc property ( #2083: make sure keys of object type work with ActionColumn, GridView, etc.Merge pull request #2418 from yiiframework-com-ua/2417-active-form-ajax-data-typeRemoving @since tagAdding @since tag and changelog line#2417 Possibility to specify dataType for $.ajax call in yii.activeForm.jsMerge pull request #2413 from russianlagman/patch-1error summary tag mistypefirst draft of the extension generatoradded PHP 5.6 to unit testsadded docs about inline validationUnit test for yii\sphinx\Query::count() added.Method "callSnippetsInternal" for the Sphinx Query extractedUnit test sphinx\ActiveRecordTest fixedThe directory holding email templates is renamed from `mails` to `mail`Merge pull request #2385 from Ragazzo/debug_module_mail_panelAdded support for building SQLs with sub-queriesdoc improvementFixes #2405: The CSS class of `MaskedInput` now defaults to `form-control`Merge pull request #2404 from Jasrags/masterFixed where we remove invalid itemsone more change