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Created with Raphaël 2.2.023Aug22212019181918171817161716151413121312111211121112111211101110987876543432131Jul30293029282726272625242524232423242322212021201920192019181718171617161516151415141314131211109109898765Minor text adjustmentsfixed console guide and docs of FixtureControllerupdated doc [skip ci]Add to translate into RussianMerge pull request #4784 from thiagotalma/inputmask_v3.1.1Upgrade jquery.inputmask to Version: 3.1.1Cleaned up doc. [skip ci]changed format of applying command to allAdded missed case in tests about append optionfixed docsadded other syntax for and tests for fixture controlleradded append option to fixture controllerMerge pull request #4773 from bixuehujin/set_raw_bodyAdded yii\web\Request::setRawBody()Merge pull request #4765 from sklyukin/patch-1link fixRemove the focus on the search fieldRenamed YII_ROOT_DIR → YII_APP_BASE_PATHFixes #4757: fixed paths in advanced app initMerge pull request #4752 from klimov-paul/4062-find-files-case-sensativeConvert 'caseless' option into 'caseSensitive' option at `yii\helpers\BaseFileHelper::findFiles()`Merge pull request #4748 from klimov-paul/4424-x-send-file`options` parameter extracted at `yii\web\Response::xSendFile()`Merge pull request #4750 from klimov-paul/3459-file-cacheAdded 'caseless' option to `yii\helpers\BaseFileHelper::findFiles()`Added error logging at `yii\caching\FileCache::gcRecursive()``yii\base\ErrorHandler::handleError()` adjusted keeping native error processing on error reporting miss match.Added `forceDownload` parameter to `yii\web\Response::xSendFile()`Another attempt to fix travisGot rid of variables, forced terminating PHP process by name before starting another serverAvoided exit in travis since it finishes the whole scriptSeparated travis scripts for basic and advanced appsMerge pull request #4744 from bevalorous/docs-guide-russian-translationTranslated into Russian [skip ci]Light editsLight editsLight editsAdd to translate into Russian [skip ci]Minor punctuation fixesMerge pull request #4723 from yiisoft/codeception-test-adjustments